Auto AC Repair Tips If There's No Air Coming From The Vents

24 March 2023
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

An important part of your vehicle is its AC system. It's what keeps you and your passengers cool. If this system malfunctions and no cool air comes through the vents anymore, here are some repair tips to remember.

See if the Ventilation Fuse is Bad

In order for your AC system's blower motor to work and thus push cool air through the vents, the ventilation fuse needs to be in good condition. If it's not, then you may need to replace it with another fuse.

This is a component you can easily check with some basic electrical testing equipment. Just make sure you find out where this fuse is and how to test it safely so that you don't have to worry about getting injured. If you don't feel comfortable, just hire an auto repair technician to see if this fuse is good or needs to be replaced.

Have a Professional Check the Hoses

Your vehicle's AC system relies on hoses that transport coolant. If they get damaged or blocked, then this could be the reason why you're not able to feel cool air coming from the vents. It's a good idea to let professionals check out these hoses.

It won't take them long to access them and then perform a detailed inspection to see what potential problems they may have. If they can't be repaired, they can suggest new hoses that are compatible with your vehicle and ultimately help your AC system work great again.

Check Air Intake Areas For Blockage

One of the more common reasons why cool air won't move throughout the vents inside your vehicle is because the air intake areas get blocked with things like dirt and debris. This will drastically reduce air circulation and thus prevent your AC system from working great.

Fortunately, this is one of the easier problems to fix on your own. You just need to locate the air intake areas and then send pressured air throughout them. This should be enough to clear the blockage. If you're unsuccessful, then you'll need to work with an auto repair technician who can utilize more extensive repair solutions.

If your vehicle's AC system ever stops blowing cool air through the vents, you need to figure out a repair before you have to deal with hot temperatures inside your vehicle. You just need to inspect the right components and then make sure your repairs can hold up long-term.

To have the unit inspected, contact an auto AC repair service in your area.
